

Seven committees serve the National Demolition Association (NDA). These committees provide a space for discussion of key demolition industry concerns and carry out the interests of the association's Strategic Plan. Through these committees, NDA members exchange information and ideas, provide guidance to the association, and develop programs and tools to meet the needs of our members and the industry at large.


NDA is always looking for passionate members who want to be more involved and volunteer for the association. Committee applications are accepted year-round and reviewed on a quarterly basis. All applications are reviewed and approved by the President. If you are approved to join a committee, you can expect to start participating in all committee activities at the beginning of the next fiscal quarter.

Committee Application

Application Window
Start Date
January – March
April 1
April – June
July 1
July – September
October 1
October – December
January 1

If you are interested in applying and serving on a committee and have questions about the application process, please reach out to Zach George, Membership & Operations Coordinator, at or 202.367.2456

To learn more about each committee, please click the link in the committee name to view the committee job description.

Awards Committee: The Committee promotes the industry through a vibrant and dynamic awards and scholarship program. The Committee evaluates nominations and establishes criteria and eligibility for all awards and scholarships.

Chairperson, Jim Graham
Rich Adamo Mark McWright
Brant Flores Michele O'Rourke
John Lloyd Don Rachel
Logan Marcicki Jeff Sessler
David Dickson  

Convention Committee: Supporting the future of the NDA best describes the Committee. The Committee supports the NDA strategic goal to educate members on the latest advances in equipment and services and provide educational programming necessary to be leaders in the industry.

Chairperson, Andrew DeBaise
Bill Abraham Allie Lloyd
Richard Adamo Kyle Maddox
Marcus Barnes Dan McCausland
Peter Bigwood Greg Menen
Sandy Bodami Karsten Pawlik
Simone Bruni Earl Proud
Andrew Chandler Tim Ramon
Tony den Hoed Walt Reeves
Paul Dickson Adam Robles
Rich Elliot Steve Schwartz
Tony Frattalone Jeff Sessler
Jeff Isom Per Skaaret
Jason Johnson Kyler Smith
James Keefe Scot Stein
Scott Laird Bob Stuppy
Tonya Land Terry Sturgell

Certification Board of National Demolition Association​: The Committee supports Certification Board of the National Demolition Association (CBN) as outlined in the in the Committee Governance Charter.

Chairperson, Tim Ramon
Tim Barker Bud Stevens
Don Collier Jim Urtz
Tim Homrich LaCresha Ware
Drew Lammers Harrison Williams

Education CommitteeThe Committee supports the NDA strategic goal to provide educational programming necessary to be leaders in environmental stewardship, safety, training and professional competency. 

Chairperson, Steve Schwartz
Anthony Abela Benjamin Hayden
Mahesh Bailakanavar Daniel Hoffman
Frank Bodami Stanley Lewandowski
Colton Carr Fred Maier
David Dickerson Brian McKinney
Jeffrey Dore Greg Menen
Ayman Elfouly Li Najing
Tony Frattalone David Sinclair
Michael Gilmartin Jim Urtz
Doug Hampton Joe Vendetti

Government Affairs CommitteeThe Government Affairs Committee sets policy positions and advocates for the interests of NDA with regard to policies, laws and regulations that may affect the Association and membership.

Chairperson, Zac Clark
James Arnold, Sr. George Hilton, III
Andrew Debaise Allie Lloyd
Michael DeBenedet Aron Mandelbaum
Lora Denney Dennis McGarel
Drew Earnest Mark McWright
Ian Gayman Tillio Olcese
Jim Graham Matt Preston
Tyler Greene Bruce Sherman
Tim Gunn  

Industry Committee: The Committee creates guidelines, guidance documents, and whitepapers and curates data to benefit member companies and the industry.

Chairperson, Blake Svendsen
Kyler Allison Trevor Moyer
Mahesh Bailakanavar Chris Niemand
Mark Frank Karsten Pawlik
Brian Haller Brian Priestly
Joseph Hampel Jeff Sessler
Scott Homrich  William Sinclair
Brian Hornyak Per Skaaret
Alex Invanikiw Eric Spirtas
Ahmed Khalil Douglas Thomas
Mark Lee LaCresha Ware

Leadership Development CommitteeThe Leadership Development Committee facilitates the nomination process for selecting candidates for Director-at-Large and Treasurer.

Chairperson, Ben Hayden
Zac Clark John Satterwhite
Andrew DeBaise Steve Schwartz
James Graham Terry Sturgell
Scott Laird Blake Svendsen
Jeff Lambert, CEO Ed Vernier

Member Growth CommitteeThe NDA Member Growth Committee coordinates with staff liaisons on key strategies, challenges, and needs to provide insight on NDA membership recruitment, engagement, and retention. The committee will act as a sounding-board and subject matter expert to support design and deployment of NDA’s Strategic Growth strategy and related deliverables.

Chairperson, Scott Laird
Chairperson, Terry Sturgell
Bill Abraham Benjamin Hayden
Marcus Barnes Terri Hester
Alex Berg James Keefe
Peter Bigwood Brionne Miles
Nathan Brainard Charlie O'Dell
Simone Bruni Brian Priestly
Connie Clearwater Geordie Stewart
Daniel Collins Jim Graham
Andrew DeBaise Ed Vernier
Brian Dragen Dane Zumbahlen

Safety CommitteeThe Committee supports the NDA strategic goal to educate members on the latest advances in equipment and services and provide educational programming necessary to be leaders in safety, education and professional competency.

Chairperson, John Satterwhite
Alfredo Barragan Vince Mondo
Donald  Barris Bill Moore
Austin Berg William "BJ" Moore
Jeff Brown Joshua Muder
Jeffrey Dore Melissa Robertson
Michael Dougherty Adam Siple
Eric Edsberg Kyle Smith
Tim Homrich Roni Szigeti
Peter Lindgren Tony Trulen
Nick McGarel Ian Vagle
